Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to BK's Blog 2.0!

Good afternoon, reader.

Thank you for visiting my web log, aka 'blog'.  I had no idea that's where the word 'blog' came from for quite some time -- but now we both know (you probably already knew, didn't you, spartypants?)

I write to announce the formation of a brand new, shiny, fresh, clean, other impressive adjective web blog, called BK's Blog 2.0, aka bkb2.0. You can find it at, but you already know this, as you are reading this text (unless you followed a hyperlink).

Anyhow, I digress.

I feel that this blog may be quite a tangential, word-vomit-esque, experience, which I hope you like since you're reading it.  But if you don't there is this little 'x' shape in the top right corner of your screen - just click that and you won't be bothered again. These letters and words and punctuation will just cry themselves to sleep for a few nights, but eventually will get over it, and start seeing someone else, another reader. Don't blame yourself.

Alas, it happened again.

Every blog needs a good mission statement, and this blog's mission statement is to be a good blog, written (typed) onto the internet by an author (me) that gives entertainment and learning to it's readership (you (no one)).  So enjoy! Tautological statement is tautological

I hope that you have enjoyed the blog so far - stay tuned, I may or may not post any number of posts at some time at some frequency in the future. I'm done making promises on how often I will update anything, as we all know how that worked out for bkb1.0 (those of you who don't were probably wondering what the 2.0 was all about, weren't you? Suffice to say, to soon. Do not bring it up.

Many thanks for taking the time out of your somewhat busy day to read some words such as these by a humbled writer (typer?) such as me.


  1. I look forward to reading your blog.
    Also, I'm a linguist.
    I friggin' CREATED the word "blog".
    Hehe. "aka bkb". ckc and dkd next!

    1. Haha I didn't notice the aka bkb thing. That's epic!
      Glad you'll be reading! I'm really excited about my next post - Morality of the Markets. Coming soon! <3 I hope you'll like it!
